The Christmas Princess

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He slid his tongue into her warmth, seeking. Their tongues met.
    She made a soft sound, and it drove him deeper, fuller. Wanting the source of that sound, the source of that warmth. Her palm slid along his jaw line, thumb stroking his cheek. Trying to soothe?
    There was no soothing this.
    He stroked into her mouth, the rhythm certain and powerful. Her hands came around to the back of his neck. Holding on. Opening.
    They had been kissing for a heartbeat. They had been kissing forever.
    He didn’t know. Only wanted to keep on.
    She gave a small gasp. He felt it more than heard it. Gave up her mouth, instantly.
    He looked into her eyes, almost too close to see. They both dragged in air, ragged with the need — for oxygen, for more.
    If he took her mouth again now… no… He kissed the corner of her mouth.

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