The Church Before the Flood

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The Church Before the Flood
John Cumming
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They afterwards settled in Africa ; and subsequently they became part and parcel of the Roman empire ; and in later times we all know that the descendants of Ham, or the Africans, have been more or less the slaves and the bonds- men of the descendants of Japheth. Let anybody read the history of Africa — I am not justifying what is there done, but citing fact — has it not been the nursery of slaves for the nations of Asia and of Europe ? And to this day one petty prince in Africa goes to 'war wi another, and the trophies of the conqueror are slaves for the markets of Asia and of America. Slavery is at this moment, notwith- standing the noble sacrifices we have made, as a country, to suppress it, as flourishing and as wide spread as ever it was in the history of unhappy Africa — in fact, efforts to arrest it have strangely acted in spreading and supporting it ; and THE THBEE FOREFATHERS. 269 yet it is nothing in the African that makes him essentially a slave. People fancy, that because the African's skull is not rounded so beautifully as ours, that therefore the African's brain is altogether inferior to ours, and his nature very different.

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