The Church Her Ministry And Sacraments Lectures Delivered On the L P Stone

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1!)2 Appendix, . . 223 Index 259 THE MINISTRY SACRAMENTS OF THE CHURCH.
GOD'S thoughts are so far above our thoughts that they cannot be at once and completely expressed in man's words. The diffuseness and variety of the Scriptures, and the progressive development of its doc- trines, are necessary conditions of a verbal revelation. Divine inspiration redeems human words from their common use, breathes into them a new life, and sanc- tifies them to higher end
...s, from which we may not drag them down by insisting upon their radical as their true meaning. The English word " church " may be derived from Kvpiov otKoh. Ii. 20) ; namely, as the first preachers of the true faith concerning Jesus as the Christ and Son of God ; and if the man who Jirst pro- fessed that faith be honored by bcin^j called individually the 'Rock, ' that only shows that the faith, and not the man, is, after all, the true foundation. That which makes Simon a Petros, a rock-like man, fit to build on, is the real petra on which the ecclesia is to be built.

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The Church Her Ministry And Sacraments Lectures Delivered On the L P Stone
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