The City of the Saints : And Across the Rocky Mountains to California

Cover The City of the Saints : And Across the Rocky Mountains to California
The City of the Saints : And Across the Rocky Mountains to California
Taylor John
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Appendices: I. Emigrant's itinerary; itinerary of the mail-route from Great Salt Lake City to San Francisco -- II. Description of the Mormon Temple -- III. The martyrdom of Joseph Smith / by John Taylor -- IV. Extracts from London Times and Deseret News -- V. Chronological abstract of Mormon history Includes bibliographical references and index "Standard works of discovery and adventure in Africa": [2] p. following text Flake, C.J. Mormon bib. aut Americana/Rare copy bound in black stamped brown


cloth; includes marginalia by Dale Morgan Vault copy bound in blind stamped ribbed brown cloth; blind stamped double border; inner cartouche with outer ornaments; gilt stamped spine; yellow wnd papers 1 9

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