The Code

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They were Janice, Eve, Barbara, and Cora, I decided to drive up to Portland and look for Janice first. If I drew a blank there, I would swing back down to Reno, to Denver, and to Las Vegas, where the other girls were supposed to be.
    Moose knew I had his address book. He knew I was running through the list of girls, hoping to get a lead to his whereabouts. When he learned that I had killed his pal Hoyle, he wouldn't sit still, I thought. Somewhere along the way, in one of those four cities, I
... would find Moose or he would find me.
    The bordello in Portland was an old house located in a fading residential block near the meatpacking district. I knocked on the door early in the morning and asked for Janice. A yawning girl with tousled hair waved me in.
    A cathouse early in the morning is not as fragrant as a rose garden. It smells of the night before, of bodies and sex and sometimes booze, and if the maids are already cleaning up, the scent is like that of an army latrine.

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