The Compleat Crow

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Titus Crow broached the subject as soon as he had made me welcome with his customary offering of a glass of fine brandy. I glanced enviously about the occultist’s marvelously appointed study, a room I had fortunately been able to view on a few rare previous occasions, before answering him.
“That’s right, Crow, yes. In fact, with the help of a few good source-books, I’ve got quite a bit of it done already; but there’s this one chapter that’s giving me some difficulty.”
“Yes, I remember you mentio
...ned it on the telephone—imitative magic, I believe you said?”
I nodded in agreement. “Right. I know why it’s supposed to work, and even how—but I’m damned if I can find more than two or three really well-documented cases. I mean, the theory of the thing is all well enough—but what about the facts?”
For a moment or two Crow thought about it, and the silence of the room was broken only by the occasional creak of branches from the nighted garden beyond the draped windows, and the oddly erratic ticking of a tall, four-handed, strangely hieroglyphed and coffin-shaped clock in one corner.

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