The Complete Angler & the Lives of Donne, Wotton, Hooker, Herbert And Sanderson

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By flesh-frogs, I mean frogs that breed and live on the land ; and of these there be several sorts also, and of several colours, some VIII THE COMPLETE ANGLER 109 being speckled, some greenish, some blackish, or brown : the green frog, which is a small one, is, by Topsel, taken to be venomous ; and so is the paddock, or frog-paddock, which usually keeps or breeds on the land, and is very large and bony, and big, especially the she-frog of that kind : yet these will sometimes come into the water..., but it is not often : and the land-frogs are some of them observed by him, to breed by laying eggs ; and others to breed of the slime and dust of the earth, and that in winter they turn to slime again, and that the next summer that very slime returns to be a living creature ; this is the opinion of Pliny. And Cardanus undertakes to give a reason for the raining of frogs : but if it were in my power, it should rain none but water-frogs ; for those I think are not venomous, especially the right water-frog, which, about February and March, breeds in ditches, by slime, and blackish eggs in that slime : about which time of breeding, the he and she frogs are observed to use divers summer- saults, and to croak and make a noise, which the land-frog, or paddock-frog, never does.

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