The Corn Crops

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The Corn Crops
Montgomery, E. G. (Edward Gerrard), B. 1878
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Digitized by VjOOQIC CHAPTER XI ACCLIMATION AND YIELD A BOTANICAL suTvey of the United States shows large, well-defined regions, each with a characteristic native flora.
86. Considering the great length of time that native vegetation has had in which to adjust itself, these various Fig. 36. — Prairie vegetation in the ** short grass " region. The natural vegetation indicates a very great difference in natural climate.
regions must indicate different environmental conditions, or else we sho
...uld have a homogenous native vegetation throughout the country. Those regions covered with a forest vegetation must differ in environment (soil or cli- mate) from a prairie region. There are various kinds of forest regions, as evergreen and deciduous ; while in the 117 Digitized by VjOOQIC 118 CORN CROPS prairies we have, along the Missouri River, a tall vegeta- tion of grass and other plants, waist-high to a man, in Fig. 37. — Prairie vegetation in humid region. Compare with Fig. 36.
There must be quite a marked difference in the types of corn adapted to these two regions.

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