The Courtship

Cover The Courtship
The Courtship
Catherine Coulter
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Drive slowly.”
“Aye, my lord.”
They had taken a full turn when Helen leaned forward on the opposite seat. “I would very much like to walk a bit.”
Lord Beecham shouted out the window to his driver, “Babcock, pull over.”
“Aye, my lord.”
It was the middle of the afternoon, still on the early side for all the ladies and gentlemen to venture out for their social hour in the park. The sun was spilling out bits of light and warmth, Helen thought, looking up, but it was still chilly, the feel of dampnes
...s lingering.
“You just shivered. Are you too cold?” He was drawing on his gloves as he spoke.
“No, I was just thinking. You know, Lord Beecham, I have wanted to meet you for the past week.”
“But you still don’t wish to tell me why?”
“A bit more conversation, perhaps? We were speaking about women and perhaps about your uses for them.”
“My favorite species.”
The black shadow of bitterness coming through, she thought. But she said nothing, just smiled at him.

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