The Crazy Years (2015)

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The subject is so complex I’ve had trouble making up my own mind.
    An excellent, albeit greatly condensed, synopsis of the antinomy was given in an episode of The West Wing…and while fictional President Bartlet, predictably opposed to NMD, also predictably won the debate, I found it noteworthy that the opposing side was argued not by one of the callow youths around him, but by his most trusted adviser Leo, the character who’s always been presented as sane, wise and practical. Leo argued so pa
...ssionately and intelligently for NMD that it seems even a flaming liberal like Aaron Sorkin, then still writer/producer, considers this a topic on which reasonable people may differ.
    As I said, his synopsis necessarily suffered from the compression required in TV drama. But it helped clarify my own thinking enough that I now have an opinion. Let’s begin with the main arguments against NMD: It doesn’t work. This is the mantra President Bartlet kept chanting to Leo, and he’s right: of three attempted missile interceptions to date, two have failed—badly—falling well short of the Pentagon’s own minimum criteria for deployment.

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