The Cricket in Times Square

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The book The Cricket in Times Square was written by author Here you can read free online of The Cricket in Times Square book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is The Cricket in Times Square a good or bad book?
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He didn’t want to see his new friend, Tucker Mouse, get killed. Back in Connecticut he had sometimes watched the one-sided fights of cats and mice in the meadow, and unless the mice were near their holes, the fights always ended in the same way. But this cat had been upon them too quickly: Tucker couldn’t have escaped.
There wasn’t a sound. Chester lifted his head and very cautiously looked behind him. The cat—a huge tiger cat with gray-green eyes and black stripes along his body—was sitting on
...his hind legs, switching his tail around his forepaws. And directly between those forepaws, in the very jaws of his enemy, sat Tucker Mouse. He was watching Chester curiously. The cricket began to make frantic signs that the mouse should look up and see what was looming over him.
Very casually Tucker raised his head. The cat looked straight down on him. “Oh, him,” said Tucker, chucking the cat under the chin with his right front paw, “he’s my best friend. Come out from the matchbox.”

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