The Darkest Hour

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Ethan grumbled.
Sam chuckled and Garrett just scowled.
The brothers stood outside with Nathan and Joe, while inside their mom was busy mopping up Rusty’s tears and laying down the law. Again.
“It was a stupid stunt. She should have known better,” Garrett growled.
“She’s a kid,” Nathan said in her defense. “A scared, strung-out kid who’s never had anyone give a damn about her. Cut her some slack. We all did some pretty stupid shit when we were her age.”
“Speak for yourself,” Joe said mockingly. “
...I was an angel.”
Snorts abounded.
“Where’s Van today anyway?” Nathan asked. “I wanted to see him before Joe and I head back to Fort Campbell.”
Sam and Garrett exchanged glances, and Ethan leaned forward in interest. So did Nathan and Joe.
“Researching a mission he’s taken on,” Sam said.
Joe’s brow went up. “He’s taken on? I take it you don’t approve?”
Garrett made a rude noise. “He’s heading the job with part of Steele’s team. Sam and I just don’t happen to be going along.”

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The Darkest Hour
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