The Deception (2025)

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The book The Deception was written by author Here you can read free online of The Deception book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is The Deception a good or bad book?
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Edmund shouted. “Look, there’s Eve.” He was waving his arms wildly toward her. “She’s here to watch us swim. I’m glad she came. I didn’t think she believed that I was a good swimmer.” The die was cast. She was trapped. She knew he was looking at her, but he didn’t pause, didn’t hesitate, just kept walking toward shore through the waves, some of them nearly knocking him down.
There was no hope for it. She ran past the cave to the south, only to draw up short. She’d forgotten that the land lunged
...out into the water, cutting any escape off in that direction. Slowly she walked back. She heard the duke shout, “I see her, Edmund. Yes, there she is, not more than twenty yards away from us. And just look, I believe she’s now walking this way since she realizes she can’t decamp the other way. Let’s wait for her, Edmund. I’m sure she’s going to tell us how much she’s enjoyed our swimming exhibition. Yes, we’ve provided her quite a show, albeit a short one, since the water was so bloody cold.”

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