The Demetrios Bridal Bargain

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‘Yeah, yeah…It seems to me that under the circumstances it’s the least you could do.’‘Slander is a crime.’Rose shrugged, lowered her eyes from his lean face and thought looking sinfully seductive and dangerous ought to be one too.‘And I’m sure you have a team of lawyers who make damned sure that nothing you don’t like ever gets said or printed about you.’‘That might not be such a bad idea,’ he conceded.‘Are you laughing at me?’ she asked, studying his solemn expression suspiciously.He took a ste...p closer and looked at her with his dark head inclined to one side. The expression she didn’t trust was still in his eyes, but she was no longer sure it was laughter. Whatever it was it made her heart beat a lot faster against her breastbone.‘You could sue me,’ he suggested softly.Rose held her ground even though every instinct she had was screaming at her to run. The charge that he gave off was electrical, almost physical; her own reaction was definitely physical.

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