The Development of a Hydraulic Dynamometer

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The dynamometer was placed on a base constructed from timbers and held together with lag bolts.
The foundation v/as then anchored to the floor ^ith bolts.
46 47 Development Of A Hydraulic Dynamometer.
Characteristics Of The Braie With Slotted Discs, A test, similar to the initial investigation was then made. The data and curves as plotted for this run showed that by slotting the discs T7e were able to absorb as high as 29 horse- power at a speed of about 1300 R.P.M, This was done with the dynam
...ometer barrel full of water so that a 2" ring was formed in the barrel between the dieoe. When operating so that the barrel was completely filled with water we were able to hold 27 horsepower at a speed of 1000 R.P.M. Previous to slotting the discs we were able to hold only about 12 horse- power at this speed. This represents an increase of 15 horsepower due to slotting the discs.
The dynamometer also seeme* to operate with less vibration than before. A finer adjustment of speed was obtained for a given torque.

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The Development of a Hydraulic Dynamometer
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