The Devil's Dream: a Dark Romance (Dark Romance Novel book 1)

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Once a week Joel took her to the bank to deposit her check, and they would usually grab some lunch or do some shopping. The sexual exploits had not stopped, but Rhonda’s willingness to do what Joel asked kept the peace between them. Most of the time her body betrayed her and enjoyed their sessions, but her mind was still set. Soon she would have enough money saved to get away from Joel, and that day could not come soon enough.
    One thing that had helped her tremendously was Joel’s library. He
... had many books that described the dark side of people and the way they lived out their desires. Most of his books were fiction, but they went into great detail about their sexual encounters. Many of the things she read in the books were carried out between her and Joel in the room upstairs. One of the more memorable ones included the time when Joel had insisted that she pleasure herself with the Rabbit while he sat back and watched. She had to strip down and insert it, turn it on, and allow Joel to watch her orgasm at her own hand.

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The Devil's Dream: a Dark Romance (Dark Romance Novel book 1)
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