The Dictator

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with Pompey and Crassus; governor of three Roman provinces—Nearer and Further Gaul and Bithynia; six years Cicero’s junior; married to Calpurnia, daughter of L. Calpurnius PisoCalenus, Quintus Fufius an old crony of Clodius and Antony; a supporter of Caesar and an enemy of Cicero; father-in-law of PansaCassius, Gaius Longinus senator and able soldier; married to Servilia’s daughter, Junia Tertia, and thus Brutus’s brother-in-lawCato, Marcus Porcius half-brother of Servilia; uncle of Brutus; a St...oic and a stern upholder of the traditions of the republicCicero, Marcus Tullius Junior Cicero’s sonCicero, Quintus Tullius Cicero’s younger brother; senator and soldier; married to Pomponia, the sister of Atticus; governor of Asia, 61–58 BCCicero, Quintus Tullius Junior Cicero’s nephewClodia daughter of one of the most distinguished families in Rome, the patrician Appii Claudii; the sister of Clodius; the widow of Metellus CelerClodius Pulcher, Publius scion of the leading patrician dynasty, the Appii Claudii; a former brother-in-law of L.

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