The Divinity of Our Lord And Saviour Jesus Christ: Eight Lectures Preached ...

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The Divinity of Our Lord And Saviour Jesus Christ: Eight Lectures Preached ...
Liddon, Henry Parry, 1829-1890
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Bonne foi et imposture sont des mots qui, dans notre oonscienoe rigide, s'opposent comme deux termes inconciliables. £n Orient, il y a de Tun h Tautre miUe fuites et mille detours. Les auteurs de livres apocryphes (de "Daniel," d'" Henoch," par exemple), hommes si exalttfs, commettaient pour leur cause, et bien oertainement sans ombre de 8crupul«,> IV] ^'^'^'^^^^^ ^^^ aoa Moral defects of the Humanitarian Christ.
that is to say, that it is possible, under certain circumstances, to acquiesce kno
...wingly in what ia false, while yet being, in some transcendental sense, sincere. Thus, just as the Christ of M. Renan can permit the raising of Lazarus to look like a miracle, while he must know that the whole episode has been a matter of preyious arrangements, so he can apparently use language which is generally understood to claim Divinity, with- out being bound to explain that he is altogether human'. The 'ideal of humanity' contents himself, it appears, with a lower measure, so to call it» of sincerity ; and while we are scarcely embarrassed by the enquiry whether such sincerity is sincere or nn acte que nous appellerions un faux.

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