The Doctor's Accidental Family (2015)

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The book The Doctor's Accidental Family was written by author Here you can read free online of The Doctor's Accidental Family book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is The Doctor's Accidental Family a good or bad book?
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Her long legs stretched beneath the kitchen table, Alice fiddled with her teacup. “Bill keeps saying our marriage is important, but then he schedules another business appointment. And he orders me around like the hired help.”
    “Did you tell him you were leaving?” As soon as she’d seen her old friend in the doorway, Zady had figured the news couldn’t be good. Tactfully, Nick had retreated to his room, allowing the two of them privacy.
    The other woman shrugged. In the less-than-flattering o
...verhead light, her fair skin showed more creases than Zady remembered. Although Alice was only in her early forties, her light complexion made her vulnerable to wrinkles, which she fought with expensive moisturizing creams. “What’s the point? I suppose it’s kind of late in the evening to swoop in here and take my daughter, but I miss her so much.”
    Earlier, they’d peeked in at Linda. The girl slept soundly, arms around her second-favorite doll.

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