The Dragon Savior of Tone: World of Tone: book 2

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He now needed his black gnarled staff to stand or even walk. His crippled body was riddled with the ravages of age. Using his magic, he was able to significantly slow his aging, but he could not arrest it completely. He could not count the number of set of seasons that had passed since the time of the great fights. He was young and strong then, but now his memories were all that was left to him. The room was black except for a small fire and a torch. Above the fire an image of the great land mas...s hovered. There was one bright light in the image near the coast. He looked at the dwarf holding the torch and told him to go. The dwarf moved, leaving him to his own thoughts. “I felt him, but he's still near the coast. The light has not moved beyond the mountains,” he said into the darkness. “He is preparing to come,” a deathlike voice said, followed by an odd disjointed laugh. “We can defeat him,” stated the old wizard. “We! You are the wizard,” the voice said in a laughing tone.“You seduced me into betraying my kind,”

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