The Dutch in Malabar : Being a Translation of Selections Nos. 1 And 2

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If ever much has been written and thought in different ways about any factory of the Company in India, it has been undoubtedly about Malabar, where matter has constantly been furnished by changes and revolutions.
Malabar is the latest conquest taken by the Company in India from the Portuguese ; for immediately after it was taken the tidings came that peace with Portugal had been made and ratified.
In the year 1774 various ugly rumours were current about the Portuguese in connection both with th town and Ceylon, which were mentioned by me in my letter, dated 24th May of that same year, to the then first Advocate ^ of the Company Mr. Van der Hoop. This letter was despatched overland privately as there was at that time no opportunity to send it by ship. A copy of this letter will be found at the Secretariat and I refer you to the same.
The rumours in connection with this place came among other things to this : viz., that the Portuguese had made preparation to re-establish themselves in India and that they would first claim this town under pretext that it was taken after peace was made.

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The Dutch in Malabar : Being a Translation of Selections Nos. 1 And 2
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