The Earl's Revenge (1997)

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The book The Earl's Revenge was written by author Here you can read free online of The Earl's Revenge book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is The Earl's Revenge a good or bad book?
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It was done in the worst imaginable taste, using the Egyptian theme that had been popular for some years now. Elaine had seen a quite magnificent Egyptian drawing room in London, but Mrs. Sutton had allowed neither common sense nor aesthetics to hold sway. Instead, she had chosen the most flamboyant of furnishings – crocodile settees, lion-headed chairs with clawed feet that threatened to put holes in the incongruous floral Aubusson carpet, two sphinxes, a mantle supported by winged caryatids appeared more Greek than Egyptian, a distinctly Chinese screen, and an oppressive number of ornately carved tables.
Steeling herself to ignore her surroundings, Elaine pasted a pleasant smile to her face and greeted Mr. Reeves, the vicar.
“Miss Thompson and Miss Becklin!” he exclaimed in his usual jovial voice. “I have looked forward to seeing you this evening, for I discovered the most interesting volume in Bodmin yesterday.” Though the remarks were addressed to both of them, his eyes had rested exclusively on Anne.

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