The Edge

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The earth was still damp from the rain, so the car didn’t kick up any dust though she’d jammed on the brakes to do just that. I remembered our own party at her parents’ house and winced.I quickly tucked my SIG into the back of my pants, called out, and waved to her. Cal got out of the little car and looked at me, but didn’t wave or say anything, just waited for me to come to her. She was wearing baggy jeans and a huge sweater that came nearly to her knees. Her glasses were firmly on her nose. He...r hair was scraped back in a ponytail.When I was nearly to the car, she jumped me, just as she had the night of the party. Her legs went around my waist, her arms around my neck. She started kissing me enthusiastically all over my face.I gave her a hug and peeled her off me. “Hi, Cal, what’s cooking?”“What’s wrong, Mac? Don’t you want to make love? How about over on the edge of the cliff. It’s warm enough, or I’ll get you warm soon enough. How about it?”“I’ve got company, Cal.”“Oh yes, Mom told me you were here at Seagull Cottage with Laura Scott, that you were playing FBI agent and protecting her.

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