The European Assurance Arbitration. (Before Lord Westbury.)

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Morris. . . .
On the first occasion of my seeing him, he told me that he had heard from the head office, that the transfer from the executors to the company was completed ; and on every subsequent oooasion repeated the statement, and added that he could get no answer from the head office as to the money, which they haa agreed to pay to the execu- tors, but that he would write the office again.
The books of the society had been searched with the following results :■ — ■ In the shareholder's inte book up to and including June 1863, there were entries of payment of interest to Mr. Gammon. Subsequent to June 1863, there were no entries of any interest having been^aid to Mr. Gammon or his executors. The letters written from the head office to the agent at Birmingham, directing the payment of interest to shareholders, included the names of the exe- cutors up to and including^ the letter from the society to the agent, dated the 21st Jan. 1864. In the next letter, dated the 19th July 1864, and in all subsequent letters, the directions to the agent for the payment of interest did not include the name of Gammon's executors.

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The European Assurance Arbitration. (Before Lord Westbury.)
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