The Excursions of a Book-Lover; Being Papers On Literary Themes

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The Excursions of a Book-Lover; Being Papers On Literary Themes
Marvin, Frederic Rowland, 1847-1918
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You had a warm heart and good red blood under your pagan ribs! So have also the doc- tors of the twentieth century. Hope is in the pharmacopaeia, and liberal doses (qtiantum suf- fcit) are good for the patient.
Digitized by VjOOQIC THE PHYSICIAN AND HIS WORK 209 There is certainly nothing in sickness and morbid conditions of either body or mind to at* tract the poet's fancy or to allure the lovers of beauty. On the contrary, the theory and practice of medicine is repellent to the artistic tempe
...rament, and in some cases actually disgust- ing. Yet the poet has not allowed the sad ail- ments that our flesh is heir to in this sick and sorry world to go wholly uncelebrated. Some diseases have been so minutely and circumstan- tially described in verse that no one educated in medicine could fail of knowing at once the na- ture of the disorder. Henry Kirke White, who himself died of tuberculosis at the age of twenty-one, has left us a "Sonnet to Consump- tion*' which is greatly admired, and which is here reproduced: "Gently, most gently, on thy victim's head.

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The Excursions of a Book-Lover; Being Papers On Literary Themes
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