The Fall (Book 2): Dead Will Rise

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They'd been Laura's project back at the house. According to her, the seeds were a superfood capable of supporting a person's nutrition for an extended period of time. You only had to eat a couple tablespoons of them a day to stay alive. Which by no means meant Kell wasn't famished. His stomach rumbled in the digestive equivalent of giving two weeks' notice.
    Even knowing a crossing was the safest option, an hour after the fight he still hadn't done it. The part of him that spent years studyin
...g all the ways small things could slip past your defenses and kill you railed against putting an open wound in the creek. It wasn't a phobia or even an unreasoned discomfort, but the genuine reluctance of a man who knew better.
    An hour walking south along the banks yielded no crossings. Out here in the woods he didn't expect a concrete bridge or anything, but it seemed strange that no trees had fallen from one side to the other. There were certainly places narrow enough for it, and-- Of course.

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The Fall (Book 2): Dead Will Rise
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