The Fall (Book 3): War of the Living

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At least, it looked like a door. The section of heavily reinforced plywood had a handle, so he was assuming a bit.
    Behind the stout wall, a door opened, followed by footsteps. With a clanking of metal, the lock released and a narrow section of the barrier glided open smoothly.
    A woman stood there. She was tall, at least six feet, and her dark skin drank up the morning pre-dawn light. He hair was pulled back into a tight nest of curls. There was a bulging canvas bag hanging at her hip, th
...e strap wedged between her breasts. She adjusted it as Kell stood staring at her.
    “What?” she asked.
    Kell shook his head to clear it. “Sorry, you just looked really familiar. Kind of surprised me.”
    Her eyebrows lowered into a line, and she frowned a little. Kell thought it was supposed to be a serious expression, but the way it made her lips purse and her cheeks puff out made her look like a little kid making a face.

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The Fall (Book 3): War of the Living
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