The Fall (Book 4): Genesis Game

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Kell took the lesson to heart and did exactly that, except with gardening.
    The fenced area was much larger than it appeared from the parking lot. The fence wasn't constrained by forgotten concepts like property rights and wandered at odd angles to encompass as much usable land as possible. Up close it became obvious that the conversion of the church happened after The Fall, as sections of fence right next to each other varied in age from basically new to old, bent, and rusted.
    An astound variety of foods were grown within the enclosure. Potatoes were given the most space, but everything from tomatoes to chili peppers flourished. One tiny corner had a well-stocked cannery with three workers dedicated to preserving food, while another area in a far opposite corner was curtained off.
    Kell pointed at the closed area with his chin, then asked the woman he was working next to about it. “Sheila, what is that over there?”

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The Fall (Book 4): Genesis Game
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