The Fall (Book 5): Exodus in Black

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Emily said as she looked down the road they traveled.
    Lying next to her on the roof of the RV, Kell grunted. “No one found Josh, Jess, and a bunch of other people. Can’t blame the guy for wanting to find his friends.”
    That part didn’t bother her, nor the idea that some people may have just decided to move on to greener pastures. Splitting the fuel and other supplies didn’t do any harm since they’d have done so anyway.
    She shifted on her belly, trying to find a more comfortable positi
...on for the rifle loosely cradled in her arms. “No, I just mean we’re running shorter than I’d like. Not as many adults to keep watch. Especially since I’m pretty sure someone is following us.”
    “What?” Kell said, raising his head from his own rifle. “Where?”
    She pointed back the way they’d come. “You’d have to look through your scope to see it, and even then it’s hard to catch.

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The Fall (Book 5): Exodus in Black
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