The Fall: Victim Zero

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The outbreak had spiraled out of control in a matter of hours—though Alan explained to him that the news organizations had vastly downplayed the reality on the ground—and as a consequence the roads were clearer than he expected.
    Though there weren't as many abandoned cars blocking the way as Kell would have thought, he did have to turn the heat in the SUV off. Bodies were everywhere, and the smell, even inside a vehicle, was nearly too much for Kell to handle. Try as he might it, was impossi
...ble to avoid driving over some of them. The sound of bones cracking beneath his tires was stomach-turning, so Kell tried to find something on the radio.
    There were no stations broadcasting.
    The CD player was empty, so he gritted his teeth and tried to ignore the irregular crunching as he moved through the outskirts of Cincinnati.
    “Good god,” Kell muttered as he got his first look at the desolation.

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