The Fire King

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The words melted and reformed inside his brain, flowing from gibberish into something that was meaningful.
“Nice to see you,” he heard, and then everything else faded into a puzzle, and he was lost once again; frustratingly so. He had never realized how isolating language could be—or how inclusive. He rather preferred the latter, though watching Soria’s body language as she spoke to the crow was quite illuminating.
Clearly, she knew the shape-shifter—which at this point was hardly a surprise. Sh
...e might very well be acquainted with every one of them in existence, and it would not be a discovery any less traumatizing than the one she had given him this morning, when he realized that she could see inside his mind.
There was, however, a level of comfort in her behavior around the crow that both fascinated and disturbed Karr. With the leopardess, there had been distance, anger, distrust. Here and now, only the anger was present, but it was an exasperated irritation, the kind born from long familiarity.

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