The First Part of King Henry the Sixth

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The book The First Part of King Henry the Sixth was written by author Here you can read free online of The First Part of King Henry the Sixth book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is The First Part of King Henry the Sixth a good or bad book?
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What reading level is The First Part of King Henry the Sixth book?
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Alen. Signior, no.
Tal. Signior, hang ! base muleters of France ! 68 Like peasant foot-boys do they keep the walls, And dare not take up arms like gentlemen.
Joan. Away, captains ! let's get us from the walls ; For Talbot means no goodness, by his looks. 72 God be wi' you, my lord ! we came but to tell you 50 good grey-beard; cf. n. # 52 of all despite: most despicable 64 Hecate: goddess of witchcraft, witch 68 muleters: muleteers King Henry the Sixth, III. ii 55 That we are here.
Exeunt [Pucel
...le, fyc.,'] from the Walls.
Tal. And there will we be too, ere it be long, Or else reproach be Talbot's greatest fame! 76 Vow, Burgundy, by honour of thy house, — Prick'd on by public wrongs sustain'd in France, — Either to get the town again, or die; And I, as sure as English Henry lives, 80 And as his father here was conqueror, As sure as in this late-betrayed town Great Cceur-de-lion's heart was buried, So sure I swear to get the town or die. 84 Bur. My vows are equal partners with thy vows.

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