The Flame Never Dies (2016)

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The beam from Anabelle’s flashlight wavered as she gaped at me over Eli’s shoulder. “You think they infected your sister?”
“Nothing else makes sense. They had unlimited access to Melanie for several days, and they had two reasonable excuses to ‘examine’ her—pregnancy and suspicion of possession. We assumed they were threatening Melanie to get me to turn myself in.” Which I’d done. “But what if they were really trying to get me to break her out?” Which I’d also done. “When we rescued her, there w
...ere almost no consecrated Church members in the courthouse. We assumed we’d successfully lured them out, but what if they were running on a skeleton crew already because any of the possessed were at risk of contracting and spreading the virus once Melanie had been infected?”
“Nina, you’re about to become an aunt!” Eli called. “The rest can wait.”
He had no idea how wrong he was about that, and I couldn’t tell him.
“Here comes the head! Push!”
Astonished, I repeated his order into Meshara’s ear.

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