The Fundamentals of the English Language for Non-English-Speaking People, Including a Guide to Pronunciation With Special Drill And Practice in Reading, the Most Important Principles of English Grammar, Words And Dialogues Covering Almost Every Phase of L

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The book The Fundamentals of the English Language for Non-English-Speaking People, Including a Guide to Pronunciation With Special Drill And Practice in Reading, the Most Important Principles of English Grammar, Words And Dialogues Covering Almost Every Phase of L was written by author Here you can read free online of The Fundamentals of the English Language for Non-English-Speaking People, Including a Guide to Pronunciation With Special Drill And Practice in Reading, the Most Important Principles of English Grammar, Words And Dialogues Covering Almost Every Phase of L book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is The Fundamentals of the English Language for Non-English-Speaking People, Including a Guide to Pronunciation With Special Drill And Practice in Reading, the Most Important Principles of English Grammar, Words And Dialogues Covering Almost Every Phase of L a good or bad book?
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What reading level is The Fundamentals of the English Language for Non-English-Speaking People, Including a Guide to Pronunciation With Special Drill And Practice in Reading, the Most Important Principles of English Grammar, Words And Dialogues Covering Almost Every Phase of L book?
To quickly assess the difficulty of the text, read a short excerpt:

This is George. Did you call me up this morning?
Yes, I did. I wanted to ask you if there was a chance of getting some work in the shoe- factory.
Well, I don't know. I heard the foreman say to-day that they expected to have a rush next week. Now if this is so, I believe they will need some men next week. Why don't you come down and find out about it?
I wHl, to-morrow morning. Good-bye.
Toll Operator, please.
Toll Operator.
Connect me with two-seven-one, ring fifty-two, (271-52) Portla
...nd, please.
What is the name of the person to whom you wish to speak?
Paul Krepps.
What is your telephone ntimber? Your name?
Three-0-eight, ring two. (308-2) John Perry.
114 I'll call you when the line is ready.
Is this 'three-O-eight, ring two? (308-2) Yes.
Did you call up two-seven-one, ring fifty-two (271-52) Portland?
The line is ready.
Give me two-nine-five, ring three, please.
(295-3) Drop a nickel in the slot.
Hello! Is this George?
George is not at home.
Do you know when he will be back?

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