The Gambling Games of the Chinese in America : Fán T'án the Game of Repeatedly Spreading Out, And Pák Kóp Piú, Or the Game of White Pigeon Ticket

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The winner must be paid on the day following the drawing, and failure to pay re- sults in the destruction of the business, but this is of very in- frequent occurrence. The lotteries are often compelled to suspend, however, through their capital being exhausted by repeated losses. The cash capital required is not large. In 1886 there were four pdk kbp pM companies in Philadelphia, known as the Kwong T'di, "Extensive Increase", T'in Wo, " Heavenly Harmony ", Fuk T'di, " Fortunate Increase ", and ...Ch'iu Ts'un, "Encourging Fountain ". In New York there were five, and numerous companies existed in the Chinese col- onies of Boston, Chicago and the larger American cities.^ ' Another form of this game, known as Shan pii or " mountain lottery," is occasionally opened by Chinese gamblers in American cities. It is played with the same tickets and in the same manner as Pdk kbp pM, and differs from it in the entire receipts from the sale of tickets, less the company's commission, being divided among the players who guess the largest number of characters.

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The Gambling Games of the Chinese in America : Fán T'án the Game of Repea...
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