The General Chapter 1998, Maynooth, Ireland : Launch Out Into the Deep

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An interesting example of the use of video in this area was with Miryam Productions in California whose director is Paul Moran CSSp. Both organisations co-operated in the production of a 28- minute video called "The People of the Quilombos". It deals with the struggle of Afro-Brazilian communities to maintain their lands and culture in the face of the threat of mass expulsion. The video has been shown on a number of television stations in North America and Brazil.
The internet has been the chie
...f instrument used by SEJUP over the years to call attention to the violation of human rights in Brazil. A long mailing list receives a weekly newsletter on such questions by e-mail. All material prepared over the years is also available on the homepage. Those who receive the material use it in 37 several ways. Apart from protest-message campaigns to Brazilian authorities, examples of how the SEJUP material is used include school projects, academic research, specialist newsletters and radio shows.

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The General Chapter 1998, Maynooth, Ireland : Launch Out Into the Deep
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