The Genie of Sutton Place

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At least that’s what Dooley says. He says that he’s even beginning to forget the times when he worked for the Master of Magic himself. Humanity taking over, I guess. And of course Sam is only too glad to forget his past. That’s humanity again, and very natural in the case of Sam. Aunt Lucy and Rose don’t have anything to remember. They never even suspected what was going on right under their noses. I hate to admit it, after all the excitement of everything, but I’m getting a little fuzzy on the ...details myself. We human beings are mostly just forgetful, that’s all. And unobservant and pretty unbelieving, too, a lot of the time … But Dooley says, with that secret smile of his, we have “many subtle compensations.”
It was Dooley who suggested I write it all down. It does seem a long time ago now! That must be the magic. It makes everything feel unreal. But the whole thing happened just this summer, right here in New York.
I guess the beginning was one morning in June. A very gloomy beginning, too, despite how bright and sunshiny the day was outside.

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