The Gentleman And Lady's book of Politeness And Propriety of Deportment ...

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The Gentleman And Lady's book of Politeness And Propriety of Deportment ...
Elisabeth Celnart
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Of Department in the Street.
Some readers will perhaps be surprised to see me commence a chapter with the duty we owe to persons passing in the street ; but if they reflect upon it, they will see that there are, even on this subject, a euffi- • cient number of things proper to be mentioned.
When you are passing in the street, and see coming towards you a person of your acquaintance, whether a lady, a man raised to dignity,
... or an elderly person, you should offer them the wall, that is to say, the side next the houses.
If a carriage happen to stop in such a manner as to leave only a narrow passage between it and the houses, beware of elbowing and rudely crowding the passengers, with a view to getting by more expedi- tiously : wait your turn, and if any one of the per- sons before mentioned comes up, you should edge up BOOK OF POLITINE8S. 51 to the wall, in order to give them the place. The/ also, a* they pass, ought to bow politely to yon.

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