The Glass Canoe (2012)

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The book The Glass Canoe was written by author Here you can read free online of The Glass Canoe book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is The Glass Canoe a good or bad book?
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So much noise you couldn’t hear the BB guns popping at the butterflies. In the trees along the creek cicadas sparkled, croaked, throbbed, blared and deafened. You could hear them in the pub.
    One Friday, the day of Freddy Mott’s funeral, when there were still a few mourners who hadn’t bothered to go home and change, dotted here and there in suits too tight and black ties, a woman came to the door of the pub.
    There was nothing strange in that, but this woman wasn’t a drunkard or a fighter
...or even an old bag, she was nicely dressed and sort of neat. She carried a small something in her hand but the remarkable thing about her was the look on her face.
    If she was a man you’d say he’d come looking for the bastard that just ran him off the road in his nice new car.
    But she wasn’t a man. She was the angriest woman you’ve ever seen.
    ‘Listen to me, you useless lot!’ she screamed above the hullaballoo and the cicadas.

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