The Golden Age

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The Golden Age
Grahame Kenneth
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•* She's off with those Vicarage girls again,'* 129 The Golden Age said Edward, regarding Selina's long black legs twinkling down the path. ** She goes out with them every day now ; and as soon as ever they start, all their heads go together and they chatter, chatter, chatter the whole blessed time ! I can't make out what they find to talk about. They never stop ; it 's gabble, gabble, gabble right along, like a nest of young rooks ! " ** P'raps they talk about birds'-eggs," I sug- gested sleep
...ily (the sun was hot, the turf soft, the ginger-beer potent) ; *' and about ships, and bufialoes, and desert islands; and why rabbits have white tails; and whether they'd sooner have a schooner or a cutter ; and what they '11 be when they 're men — at least, I mean there 's lots of things to talk about, if you want to talk." ''Yes; but they don't talk about those sort of things at all," persisted Edward. *' How can they ? They don't know anything ; they can't do anything — except play the piano, and nobody would want to talk about that ; and they don't care about anything — anything sensible, I mean.

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