The Golden Sword

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His wings beat upon the wind from the abyss. His sharp eyes discern his prey, and they are not clouded by doubt or self-division.
    The ebvrasea fills his belly without compunction. He knows not morality, for he is its embodiment.
    Once initiated, stalking will not be denied. Stalking is assiduous.
    Stalking culls the weak from the strong. In both hunters and hunted does it perform this function of nature.
    Stalking tests its own strength.
    Stalking is both method and purpose. It r
...ealizes itself without judgment.
    Stalking would not be other than it is, and therein lies the key to its success.
    Adjuration: If the stalker, upon the trail of his prey, is in turn stalked, he may choose to continue, that by feigning ignorance he who stalks the stalker might reveal himself. Survival is both the goal and prerequisite of stalking. Stalking is always ready.

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