The Good Wife

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The book The Good Wife was written by author Here you can read free online of The Good Wife book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is The Good Wife a good or bad book?
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She was returning to move.
    Crazy. Crazy how fast things changed.
    She’d been married to a professional baseball player for a long time. She knew trades happened. Knew players got cut from the team and injured. Change was part of the business as teams worked hard to stay competitive, but Tampa had become her home. She’d been happy there. The kids had friends. She had friends.
    And now it was time to pack up and leave.
    Arriving back home, Sarah struggled to wrap her head around the n
...ews. She walked around the house, taking in the high ceilings and big heavy beams, the beautiful tiled floor, the stucco walls. It was a Spanish-inspired house, on a cul-de-sac of similar homes, but they were all spacious and luxurious with big yards and large, colorful play structures for kids in the back.
    Strange to think that Boone would never return here. He’d never sleep in this house again, or eat dinner at the table, or bump up against her in the kitchen, his lips on her nape, his hand against her breast.

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