The Graded School Speller Bk. 3

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The Graded School Speller Bk. 3
Frank Ellsworth Spaulding, William Dana Miller
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e reef Others were erected in haste.
con tain' Each house contained a single room.
gen'er al Some houses were erected for general use.
hos'pi tal One of these was a hospital.
II ex treme' It was an extremely severe winter, hard'ship The winter was full of hardships, scarce , Food was very scarce, suffer The settlers suffered much from hunger, ex haust' Their supplies were soon exhausted.
Ill se'ri ous There were many cases of serious illness, per'ish Many of the people perished, half Nearly hal
...f of them died, nurse Myles Standish nursed the sick, kitch'en He even worked in the kitchen.
grew mount i'cy re lieve' de part' At length the cold grew less severe.
The sun mounted higher in the heavens.
The icy covering of the earth melted.
The Pilgrims' sufferings were relieved.
The Mayflower departed for England.
neigh'bor sav'age wig'wam con'stant unkind' chief con trol' de sire' an nounce war'rior in tro duce' dis cuss' trea'ty to bac'co man'ner fa mil'iar fa'vor ite in struct' impor'tant faith'ful THE PILGRIMS 11 I The Pilgrims' neighbors were Indians.

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