The Granites of Maine

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The Granites of Maine
Dale, Thomas Nelson, 1845-1937
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A. Clark's residence on Seventy-seventh street and Fifth avenue.
New York. It is now idle, but not abandoned.
The granite quarries in Hancock County are in the towns of Blue- hill, Brooksville, Dedham, Franklin, Long Island, Mount Desert, Sedgwick, Stonington, Sullivan, Swans Island, and Tremont.
The White quarry^ in the town of Bluehill, IJ miles east of Blue- hill village. Operator, The "White Granite Company, West avenue and New
...ton Creek, Long Island, X. Y.
The granite (specimen 36, a) is a biotite granite of medium-gray, slightly bluish color and of coarse (on the medium side) even-grained texture. The feldspars measure as high as one-half inch, and some of them a little over. The rock consists, in descending order of abundance, of potash feldspar (microcline and orthoclase), smoky quartz, soda-lime feldspar (oligoclase), and black mica (biotite), Fig. 7. — StnictuiH at White quarry, Bluehill. The rectangular joint is shown by the dotted line.

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The Granites of Maine
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