The Great Accident

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The Great Accident
Macmillan Company. Pbl
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You'd have me let them go on selling whisky in Hardiston just for fear I am helping Amos by stopping them? " " I don't like to see you letting Amos use you." " Aside from that, isn't it a good thing to clean up the town, no matter what the motive? " " You'll find in your law books somewhere the statement that the motive determines the deed," Chase told him.
" Don't you think it important to clean up Hardiston? " " I think it important not to cement Amos Caretall's hold on this county, and this" Wint said angrily: "Forget Amos. Forget he exists. I'm asking a flat question. Why don't you answer it? " Mrs. Chase interposed: "Don't you talk to your father so, Wint. Don't you do it. He knows best what's good for you, and for Hardiston, and for everybody. You know he — ** " Is whisky good for Ote Runns? " Wint demanded.
"Well, I guess it doesn't do him any hurt. It's not as if he had a wife and children, Wint, you know. You ought to do what your father says. He — " Wint faced the older man.

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