The Greek Tycoon's Wife

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Eyes closed, she stirred, drowsily conscious that something was subtly different. She tried to focus her thoughts but the extra ingredient remained tantalisingly out of reach. It was several sleepy minutes later when it hit her with the dramatic impact of a force ten hurricane; she gasped and stilled.
Oh, no, it’s me, I’m different. Beautifully different. I slept with Nikos Lakis.
A wondering smile drew the corners of her mouth upwards. Rolling onto her side, she reached out. Her smile faded whe
...n she discovered only a sheet, its crumpled condition standing a silent accusing testament to the vigour of their lovemaking through the night.
She closed her eyes as a jumbled kaleidoscope of the events of the night slid across her inner vision. What she saw shocked and excited her; it also provided an explanation for the unaccustomed tenderness in several parts of her body.
The only cloud on her horizon was Tom—she had to tell him. She felt ashamed that she had treated him so badly, but she’d always known in her heart that they weren’t right for each other.

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The Greek Tycoon's Wife
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