The Guardian (1998)

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The book The Guardian was written by author Here you can read free online of The Guardian book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is The Guardian a good or bad book?
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She could not comprehend how Gailard still lived, nor properly understand who—or what—Shara was. It seemed, from the few words they’d exchanged as they fled, that Shara had restored Gailard to life, and would take them all to some safe stronghold—which seemed to Ellyn no more likely than Gailard’s resurrection. Yet if the one was possible, then perhaps so was the other—and surely the one was true, for she had felt Gailard’s hands on her and they were not the hands of a ghost, but fleshed and war...m, smelling of leather and sweat and metal. And now he fought their pursuers with a terrible fury. She experienced an almost guilty joy as she saw him take Rurrid’s head, and had she been able, she’d have ridden down to spit on the sundered skull. But Shara held her back, and only rode in when it seemed that Gailard must be overwhelmed.
“He’s headstrong,” the strange woman had said.
Ellyn had spoken without thinking then, concerned only for Gailard’s safety. “He’s brave!”

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