The Guests On South Battery

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Jack asked, one hand on the steering wheel, the other thrown casually around the back of my seat. The Fireproof Building on Chalmers, where the South Carolina Historical Archives were kept, wasn’t that far and Jack had suggested we walk, but my feet were close to bleeding because I’d worn my favorite pre-pregnancy heels all morning. Despite the numb tingling on one side of each foot and the blisters on the other, I’d promised my beautiful shoes that I’d wear them for the rest of the day before I... added them to the shrine at the back of my closet.
    Jack smelled of shampoo and soap and Jack, and I couldn’t make myself ask him to remove his arm until he apologized. For what, I wasn’t sure. All I knew was that I felt unsettled, and that it had started when I walked into the nursery and saw him and Jayne and our children together. I’d felt somehow superfluous, my old insecurities resurfacing like a rash that hadn’t completely faded. Because, deep down, I still believed that capturing Jack’s attention had been a fluke, and that one day he’d wake up and really see me as the pathetic, awkward, and insecure teenager I’d once been and was afraid I still was.

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The Guests On South Battery
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User Reviews:

Guest a year ago

This story was so very enjoyable and engaging. This was my first Karen White novel.Now I want to read every book written by Karen White ever.

Guest 4 years ago

Really good read, couldn’t put it down. Very enjoyable. A good pace all the way through.i will look for other stories to read

Guest 4 years ago

I thoroughly enjoyed reading the book. The characters were cleverly thought out, so identifiable and the plot engaging.

eb100 4 years ago

I have only read 20 pages so far but it's great! I wouldn't recommend it for children under age 10 though, it is a bit inappropriate. The person in the story is called Melanie, with a step daughter, twins and a handsome husband. A great start so far, definitely worth a read!

Guest 4 years ago

Just wonderful! I couldn't stop reading once I started even if I had to sleep with the lights on afterwards!

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