The Gunslinger

Cover The Gunslinger
The book The Gunslinger was written by author Here you can read free online of The Gunslinger book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is The Gunslinger a good or bad book?
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What reading level is The Gunslinger book?
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The gunslinger knew it immediately: a golgotha, place-of-the-skull. And bleached skulls stared blandly up at them—cattle, coyotes, deer, rabbits, bumbler. Here the alabaster xylophone of a hen pheasant killed as she fed; there the tiny, delicate bones of a mole, perhaps killed for pleasure by a wild dog.
The golgotha was a bowl indented into the descending slope of the mountain, and below, in easier altitudes, the gunslinger could see Joshua trees and scrub firs. The sky overhead was a softer bl
...ue than he had seen for a twelve-month, and there was an indefinable something that spoke of the sea in the not-too-great distance.
I am in the West, Cuthbert, he thought wonderingly. If this is not Mid-World, it’s close by.
The man in black sat on an ancient ironwood log. His boots were powdered white with dust and the uneasy bone-meal of this place. He had put his hood up again, but the gunslinger could see the square shape of his chin clearly, and the shading of his jaw.
The shadowed lips twitched in a smile.

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The Gunslinger
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shoumake21 5 years ago

ok I would suggest reading all the books before watching the movie. but as far as the book itself it Is a great book and really draws you in.

Guest 4 years ago

the movie was really good so this book better be better or else EYE WILL

Guest 5 years ago

the movie was really good so this book better be better or else EYE WILL SUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

Guest 2 years ago

If you read the books first, you wouldn't think the movie was really good. The book is holy moly waaaaaay better!!! Did you read it yet???

Guest 5 years ago

i haven't read it yet so maybe after i read it i will give my opinion but again i might not do that because i'll be bored lol lmao lol hahahahahahahahaha

Guest 6 years ago

bum bum ding ding everybody sing sing

Guest 6 years ago

I watched the movie when it first came out in cinema and it was great it was also kinda scary at the beginning when the kids where near the town.And then one kid at a time had to go to the tower to stop it from falling over i have only just started the book and i think the book is also very interesting. I would highly recommend the movie to all action fans and the book to all action fans with a little bit higher concentration it is really interesting.Well Done Stephen King It is a great book

Guest 6 years ago

l have watched the movie but never read the book

Guest 6 years ago

I like the way the author was thinking when making this book

Guest 6 years ago

go go power rangers

Guest 6 years ago


Guest 6 years ago

what do u not understand

Guest 6 years ago

you stink
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