The Handy-Volume Shakspeare, volume 4

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The Handy-Volume Shakspeare, volume 4
Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616
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What reading level is The Handy-Volume Shakspeare, volume 4 book?
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227 He straight declined, droop'd, took it deeply ; Fastened and fix'd the shame on't'in himself ; Threw oflf his.spirit, his appetite, his sleep, And downright languished. — Leave me solely : — See how he fares. [Exit Attendant] — Fie, fie!
no thought of him ; The very thought of my revenges that way Recoil upon me : in himself too mighty : And in his parties, his alliance. — Let him be.
Until a time may serve : for present vengeance, Take it on her. Camillo and Polixenes Laugh at me ; make th
...eir pastime at my sorrow : They should not laugh if I could reach them ; nor Shall she, within my power.
Enter Paulina, with a Child.
I Lord. You must not enter.
PauL Nay, rather, good my lords, be second to me : Fear you his tyrannous passion more, alas.
Than the queen's life ? a gracious innocent soul; More free than he is jealous.
Ant, That's enough.
I Attend. Madam, he hath not slept to-night ; commanded None should come at him.
Faul. Not so hot, good sh:; I come to bring him sleep. 'Tis such as you, — That creep like shadows by him, and do sigh At each lus needless heavings, — such as you Nourish the cause of his awaking : I Do come with words as med'cinal as true ; Honest as either ; to purge him of that humour That presses him from sleep.

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